Quikscribe Recorder Enhancements:
NEW Record and Playback Device Settings (QSR)

In QSR Settings you may now define the specific input device to use for recording (Record Device) and also the specific Playback Device. The new buttons for Record Device Settings and Playback Device Settings are to access the Windows audio controls, so you no longer have to go through Windows Control Panel to access those settings.
NEW Record and Play Level Menu Items (QSR)

From the File menu, you can now verify and set the Record and Play audio levels directly in QSR, without having to access Windows Control Panel.
NEW Support for new SpeechMike models 3200 and 3210 (QSR)

The new models include a replaceable standard USB cable instead of the hard-wired cord found in previous models. Often the most wear over time occurs to the cable being run over with chair casters, resulting in an expensive repair for what should be a minor replacement. This new design helps to minimize that issue. Other ergonomic design improvements keep these models as prime selections.
NEW Ability to Add Custom Functions for Hotkey or Hand Control
This feature allows you to define a hotkey sequence that may be needed by an external application for a certain function. For example, an EMR (Electronic Medical Record) application may need a keyboard sequence of CTRL+ALT+N to retrieve a new record. By defining that sequence in Custom Functions, you can then map that function in the Hand Control Training so that by pressing a button on the hand control, the hotkey sequence is engaged automatically for that feature.
In addition, you can also define an external program to run. In the example below, the application program for Microsoft Excel has been defined as a custom function, and then that function is mapped to a button on the hand control microphone.
This image shows how custom hotkey and program functions are defined:

This image shows how the program function to execute Excel.exe has been mapped to a button on the hand control microphone:

NEW Revised Entry Panel to define Network Send locations (QSR)
This new entry panel for the Send destination paths adds the ability to have a logical naming convention for each defined path, so you can have a Site Name that is different than the actual folder name. You may also define for that Send path whether or not to “Use Voice Recognition” for that path. This allows you to select a destination to use voice recognition for all files sent to that path, and if not selected, then all files sent to a different path will not use voice recognition.

NEW FTP send now works with Voice Recognition process (QSR)
You may now send files to an FTP destination and use the integrated voice recognition process. Previously you could only send to a network destination using VR.
FIX Corrected field values (Subject, Matter No., etc.) not being displayed on Open File dialog
The field values were showing as blanks, even though there were entries that should have displayed. This is now corrected.
FIX Corrected crashing when no files displayed in open dialog
If there were no files in any of the mapped queues, the program would crash when the Open File panel was engaged. This is now corrected.
FIX Corrected QSDownloader from not displaying audio time duration amount in QSManager and Explorer (QSR)
Files that were transferred from portable recorders using QS Downloader resulted in empty data fields for audio time duration in QS Manager. This has been corrected.
FIX Corrected QSDownloader from displaying a warning message if QSR had “Just Send File” selected and QSDownloader profile had “Prompt for send location” enabled (QSR)
FIX Corrected send options not being added when no profile is set in QS Downloader (QSR)
FIX Corrected Due Time not being set when sending files in QS Downloader (QSR)
FIX Closed FTP Ports after sending files when no longer is use (QSR)
When sending files using the FTP method, the internal FTP ports opened by QSR would remain open. The program has been corrected so that FTP ports are closed after the file transfer has completed.
FIX Added Post Clip function to prevent handcontrol stop button from making clicking sounds (QSR)
Some hand control microphones were generating a loud clicking noise when engaging the Record/Stop/Play/Rewind functions. The new Post Clip feature will help to reduce or eliminate the extra clicking noise.
NEW Added feature to prevent corrupt audio by returning a failure message if unable to write to disk (QSR)
This new feature helps to add integrity and reliability to the audio file that has been recorded. In case there is a problem with Windows writing the file to disk, QSR will provide notification that there is a problem, in order to minimize the impact of a disk failure and corrupt file.
NEW Added additional hardware checks to stabilize licensing problems on Windows 7 (QSR, QSP, QSM)
Internal changes introduced by the Windows 7 operating has impacted the QS licensing system. This new feature helps to minimize that impact by compensating for potential errors generated by Windows.
Quikscribe Manager Enhancements
NEW Added ability to display Custom Fields in Quikscribe Manager Console (QSM)

NEW Added feature to highlight current folder. A black background highlights the icon for the current folder in the File Monitor section on the left side, and the folder name and full path will appear on the title bar. (QSM)
NEW Added new menu items “Export Settings” and “Load Settings” under File Monitor Settings (QSM)
By selecting Export Settings you can save all your pre-defined folder names and other settings to an external file, and then use Load Settings on another computer to import those saved settings. This allows you to easily define the folders and settings on a new installation on another computer.

NEW Added “Check For Latest Version” feature under Help menu, similar to feature offered in QS Recorder and QS Player. (QSM)
This allows you to see if a newer version of the software is available for download.
NEW Added log tracking of activities. By selecting Help, then Log, you can Enable Detailed Logging and also View the log. (QSM)
NEW File caching has been added, so that the file list for each folder will load in the display, and subsequent clicks on the folder results in faster re-display of the folder contents and file list. (QSM)
This provides better performance for refreshing the file lists.
Quikscribe Player Enhancements
FIX Updated USB foot pedal drivers (QSP)
FIX Sent Volume to sound card on each play command to prevent level from setting back to windows default level (QSP)
This corrects an intermittent error on some computers, where the volume level was unstable and would not hold the Windows audio setting consistently.
NEW Added Custom Fields in Table View (QSP)

Custom fields that are defined for integration with other applications are now displayed in columns in the Table View, as well as on the main display when the file is opened.
NEW Added Playback Device Settings (QSP)

This feature allows you to select the specific device to route audio playback. E.g., if you have a USB headset then the Playback Device should be set to that USB device for QS Player, and all other Windows applications can use the default speaker device for all other audio playback. This can help to remove unwanted sounds or alarms from other applications while transcribing using a headset. This will only work properly if you have an additional sound channel (such as a USB headset).
FIX Saved Volume Key after moving Slider (QSP)

The volume slider control was getting reset by Windows on some computers. This fix will maintain a consistent volume level during playback.
NEW Added Setting to disable Open File Dialog

This new setting allows an adminstrator to lock down the Open File display, so that the typist is not permitted to “pick and choose” a file. If this option is selected, then files are loaded automatically by selecting File -> Next Audio.
If the “Get Next File” feature is enabled, then upon completion of the current file, the next file is loaded automatically.
FIX File locking has been enhanced to prevent duplicate access to a file at the same time. For shared file folders, we recommend using the Preference settings of “Copy File First” and “Rename Locked Files” to eliminate file access issues. (QSP)
FIX Prevented return of file to open file list when displaying open dialog (QSP)
This keeps the current file held by the current user, so that you can check the Open File list to see what’s there, without relinquishing control of your current file.
FIX Displayed all the files in queues in filemonitor (QSP)
Corrected a bug where the file monitor icon in the System Tray of the Windows Task Bar did not provide the correct number of outstanding files (when you move your mouse cursor over the icon).
NEW Added Favorite Folders (QSP)
In the Path Maps menu option under Settings in the Open File panel, or under Settings -> Preferences -> Set Path Maps, you can now define one or more “favorite” folders to establish a preference for the Get Next File feature. If a folder is designated as a “favorite”, then there is a new setting under Preferences where you can also select the option to scan just the Favorite folder(s) for the Get Next File function.
NEW Added support for m4a files (QSP)
FIX Corrected completed path not displaying in table view (QSP)
NEW Only allowed setting of Playback volume when checkbox is set in Playback Controls (QSP)
The volume slider control in Playback Controls can be engaged if the checkbox is selected first. This volume slider applies to the Playback Device defined under Settings. This can be useful if you have a USB headset and only audio for the QS Player is routed to the headset (if the Playback Device is set to the USB headset), and all other audio can then be routed to the default sound device (such as PC speakers).