1. Select Start, then Run
2. Enter “REGSVR32 /U C:\Windows\SysWOW64\IAFCryptoModule.ocx”, then click OK.
3. Download and save http://www.digitaldictation.us/downloads/IAFCryptoModule.ocx to c:\Windows\SysWow64 (if it’s a 64-bit machine) or c:\Windows\System32 (if it’s a 32-bit machine)
4. Select Start, then Run
5. Enter “REGSVR32 C:\Windows\SysWOW64\IAFCryptoModule.ocx”, then click OK.
6. This should update the Windows Registry with the correct component.
If you still get the following error message:
This is a known issue and we’re still working on fixing it. Temporarily, you may download the older version from this link: