To install Quikscribe in Windows 8 OS, please do the following:
1. Download the installer from this link. Select whether you are downloading the Recorder or the Player. In this example, we will download and install the Quikscribe Recorder.
2. Right-click the download link using your mouse and select Save Link As. If you are using Chrome – Save Link As; for IE and Firefox, select “Save Target As.”
3. Save it to your computer. I suggest saving it to your Desktop, so you can easily find it later. See sample below:
4. Once saved, open the folder that contains the installer. Right-click using your mouse and select Properties
5. In the new window that will pop up, go to the General tab. At the bottom, click on Unblock. Then clickApply.
6. Next, in the same window, go to Compatibility tab. Put a check mark on the box before Run as Administrator. Click Apply. Then click OK.
7. You may now install Quikscribe. See screenshots below:
8. Once finished, you also need to change it to “Run as Administrator.” Therefore, follow these steps:
9. Open your Windows Explorer. Normally it’s on the upper right-hand side or lower-right hand side of the screen.
10. Go to the C drive, where your program files are located. Select Program Files .
11. Go to the Quikscribe folder.
12. Select Quikscribe Recorder.
13. Look for the QSR application. Right-click using your mouse and select Properties.
14. In the new window, go to Compatibility tab. Then put a check-mark on the box before “Run as Administrator.” Click Apply. Then OK.
Don’t forget to have your IT add Quikscribe to your Anti-Virus or Security software’s excluded list. Contact us if you have any questions on this.