The Quikscribe Tutor is a modified version of the Quikscribe Recorder. With it, you can easily create professional in-house Computer Based Training and Presentation content.
Traditionally, producing computer based training content required a large investment in time, but now with the Quikscribe Tutor you can now record, capture, edit and create web-ready computer based training content seamlessly behind any Windows-based program.
Once you have captured and created your training or presentation content, you can easily post-edit the audio or image content.
After you’ve put the finishing touches on the content and the timing of the presentation, you can compile and distribute your training content via LAN, WAN, Intranet, Internet, e-mail or CD-ROM.
Easy to learn and use
No programing language is required to create CBT content, which means almost anyone can start developing CBT content in less than 10 minutes.
Record in Overwrite or Insert mode
When recording a narration, you would normally use Overwrite Mode (like a traditional tape recorder) however being digital it is possible to record additional audio anywhere within the file by recording in Insert Mode.
Real-time editing with Undo & Redo abilities
If you ever make a mistake when recording (which we all do) rather than rewind, queue up your position and then re-record over your mistake, you can simply press the Undo button on the Hand Control and re-record your last audio edit.
Capture screen shots in real-time
If you wish to capture a screen shot while creating your C.B.T. Content, simply press the Insert button on the hand control unit (or SpeechMike), which will take a screen shot and insert this image within a marker.
Post-editing of screen shots, audio, and timing
Captured screen shots can be post-edited, whereby circles or arrows can be added to menus or buttons etc. The actual position (timing) of the screen shot can also be changed.
Captured audio can be post edited, by exporting the audio and associated markers into Sound Forge. Once the audio has been edited, it can be imported back into the Quikscribe Tutor.
After you have captured your content (audio and visual), it is possible to change the timing or sequence of your presentation.
Display multiple image formats (BMP, PNG, JPEG & WMF)
All screen shots captured, are initially saved as BMP, but from a distribution perspective BMP’s are very large. Therefore it is suggested that you use the built-in PNG and JPEG compression capabilities, so as to significantly reduce file size. If your presentation requires text, graphs or charts to be displayed, WMF files from Microsoft Power Point can be imported and displayed. Lastly, from presentation perspective, if you require Screen Wipes, there is over 100 transitions to choose from.
Open embedded files
Almost any type of file can be embedded into the CBT content For example, a mail merge tutorial can contain a sample letter and a sample database, with which a student can then use to perform the mail merge tutorial.
Execute URL’s or e-mail addresses
If you wish to create web related C.B.T. tutorials, now you can. Simply insert the URL or e-mail address and when the CBT content is viewed, the corresponding web site will automatically load.
Finished files are Web ready
The Quikscribe Tutor uses multiple compression technologies, as a result is produces very small files. To demonstrate, click here to download and view some sample tutorials.
Works behind almost any Windows program
Since the Quikscribe Tutor uses a hand control device (or SpeechMike) as its primary input and control method, it is able to seamlessly record and edit behind almost any other type of Windows program.
You don’t need special training
You don’t need to engage an expert to record the presentation
You just utilize your own subject matter expertise and record the complete multimedia presentation as easily as using a simple tape recorder!