- Select the Profile Path to store the QS Recorder user profiles on the network file server.You may type the entry, or double-click to browse to the folder location.
- Select the Working Directory path – this should be on the C: drive of the computer, and is usually defined as C:\QSFiles or under My Documents\QSFiles.
- The Import Path stores backup files imported by portable digital recorders.
- The Management Path should be on the network file server.
- The Reports Path should be on the network file server.
- Select the options for “Install QSR” and “Silent Install”.If you want to generate a script that just defines (and updates) the PC registry settings for the file path definitions, and does not install the software, then generate the script without selecting the “Install QSR” and “Silent Install” options.
- Select the latest (or desired) version of the MSI install program.
- Copy and paste the QS Recorder license key number for the software registration.
- Select the option “IAF Management”.Once installed, QS will initiate the IAF Management agent when the PC is started, and provides file status updates and communication among QS Recorder, QS Player, and QS Manager.
- Select “Voice Recognition” ONLY if you want to include the option to integrate the Dragon NaturallySpeaking product (requires additional purchase of that product) into the dictation/transcription process.
- Select “DPM Downloader” to include the agent for the Philips Digital Pocket Memo portable digital recorder.
- Leave “Power Point Association” unchecked – this is for the QS Tutor product, which requires a separate license.
- When all options are selected and defined, click the “Generate” to generate and save the install script.
If you save the script to a network folder (such as Q:\QSFiles\Admin\Scripts) and include the MSI file in the same folder, then the install program and script is available from each PC workstation.