The Walton Centre in Liverpool introduces Philips dictation technology to the workplace to increase cost savings and reduce time delays.
The staff at the Walton Centre, a specialist neurosciences NHS Trust, are dedicated to providing a world class service in the diagnostics and treatment of both injuries and illnesses affecting the brain, spine, peripheral nerves and muscles.
Safeguarding the high standard of care
This successfully run NHS Trust is constantly improving and developing its services while treating an increasing number of patients each year. However, the Trust has tried to minimise running costs as much as possible in order to keep up the high standard of care it delivers to its patients. The centre works closely with GP surgeries and produces significant amounts of follow-up clinical correspondence for these practices and their patients. The Trust had already moved away from analogue technology, historically investing in a Philips dictation solution with additional barcode scanners, this had proven to be a very efficient and reliable solution. Fast forward a number of years; the Trust had a need to update the dictation devices to ones with an integrated bar code scanner, with the ability to scan off paper and screen, rather than the add-on scanners they were currently using.
A more accurate and secure way of working
After researching various options the Trust chose to stay with a Philips hardware solution, selecting Pocket Memo 8500 dictation recorders, which offer 256-bit file encryption, PIN access, and USB mass storage protection, ensuring the Trust could meet its information governance targets. USB mass storage protection on the recorder prevents the memory card being used as an external USB storage device. If files are downloaded onto the dictation device, they are automatically deleted once it is removed from the computer. In addition, improved sound clarity and the ability to track correspondence using an additional software solution – through the acknowledgement and delivery receipt function – make the devices even more flexible for use in a busy and versatile work environment. Clinicians regard the integrated bar code scanners, linking client or patient data to a recording file – simply by scanning a bar code, as an important and time-saving benefit.
Smooth transition
The easy incorporation of the Pocket Memo 8500 into the existing IT systems at the Walton Centre meant that staff were able to quickly replace their previous products with the new digital solution with little hassle or delay. Having worked with Philips before, the Walton Centre knew that they would be getting a superior product backed by excellent product support, so there was no hesitation with the choice.
The Divisional Manager at the Walton Centre, Julie Thompson comments: ‘It was the best technical solution available and Philips provided much appreciated support every step of the way. The integrated bar code scanner, clear display screen and long battery life have all made this product a joy to work with and enabled us to distribute and set up the devices with over 125 clinicians.
Not only this, but we have already been able to see the benefits that the products have provided us, including the accuracy gained from the clearer sound quality and the reduced time and cost involved with dealing with dictations. It has been an all-round success with many positive benefits for GPs, Consultants, administration clerks and most importantly patients.’
Source: Philips Dictation