The QS Downloader Profile Manager keeps an inventory of serial numbers for portable recorders and provides the ability to match each unit to a QSR user profile. If a portable recorder is linked to a QSR user profile, then when the portable recorder is connected to the PC, the QSR settings are engaged automatically and files will be downloaded from the recorder and sent to transcription according to the settings specified in the QSR user profile.
First, set the Current Profile Path by selecting File, and then Select Profile.
NOTE: The Current Profile Path should be the same file path setting as defined for the QS Recorder User Profile.
Then select a device serial number from the list, and select Settings.
Note: the list of serial numbers is populated by docking the portable recorder unit to the PC, and the QS Recorder user profile is specified as the same file path as specified for the Current Profile Path.
The Settings will display for the unit, and provide direct access to the profile settings. The functions of the settings are described in the Quikscribe Downloader Options documentation. For this exercise, it’s important to verify the setting of QSR Profile, so that the portable recorder is linked to the appropriate QSR user profile.