Open Audio
Allows you to select and open an audio file.
Next Audio
Automatically loads the next audio file based on priority.
Close Audio
Close the current audio file.
Save As
Allows you to save the current .iaf with a new name or to a new location.
Close the current audio file and moves the file to the completed directory, where it will be deleted within 14-days (default duration) as set under the Settings Icon.
Normalise Audio
Will amplify your audio file to its maximum.
Export Audio
Allows you to Export a .wav file from an .iaf.
Link Document
Allows you to link your current audio file to a word document.
Add Attachment
Allows you to add a files or documents as attachment within the current .iaf.
View Attachments
Allows you to View, Export, or Remove files or attachments from within an .iaf.
System Settings
Brings up the Setting Tab, performs the same function as the Settings Icon.
Player Levels
Selecting this option will bring up the Windows Volume Control Dialogue Box.
File Properties
Allows you to view the file details of the current audio file.
Add Comment
Allows you to add a comment to a partially completed file. Ideal for shift change within large law firms, or you want to leave a reminder for yourself.
Comment History
Allows you display all comments saved within this document.
Closes the Quikscribe Player.